Monday, February 21, 2011

BoomBox Baby

I love music and depending on what I'm listening to (usually Hip-Hop and R&B) I like my music loud.
So right now as I write this, somebody on this iron horse is annoyed by my ipod making its tis tisk tis tisk sound. You know the sound your headphones make when you hear some ones ipod who might be sitting 2 seats from you. People love to talk about how annoying it is and maybe it is but what if this was 1984 I'm saying...?

I'm a boombox baby. In 1984 I was a lil kid, being baby sat by my cousins who at the time were teenagers and young adults. Kangols, Adidas and Lees was the fashion. Everybody was either a MC, break dancer or graffiti artist bombers and no matter who you were, you had to have a boombox.
New York City in the 80's was known for its classic block parties. At that time, everybody had their music with them on tape. If there was a reason for a kid with a boombox to stop for 5 minutes there was a possibility a five minute party would break out. Music was everywhere. Which makes me side eye, all the people complaining about my loud i-pod. I truly could give two shits if my music annoys you while we're temporarily cross paths on the iron horse.

Hey it could always be worse. You could be living in the days of the boombox and be subjected to ALL my hype music. Frankly, some music needs to be played loud. Its meant to be. As a self proclaimed retired break dancer, its necessary. I don't do it intentionally to annoy folks but I'm doing me and maybe you need to get a better book if you can't concentrate.

I love my ipod and all 10K or so songs I have on it. Give thanks that this isn't 1984 and the crack era....
*steps off soapbox boombox*

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