Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The 6 Things I Will Not Be Doing the Last Half of 2012

It’s “Gemini Season” (Yeah!)!!  June 15, 2012 is approaching fast and maybe you’re in the middle of yourself assessment for your 2012 goals. Personally, I didn’t make any goals though…the list below are just some observation about habits I would like to change.  

The “N-word” Debate - What can I say? I’m just tired of having and reading about the debate regarding if we should use it, who should use it and defining what it is. Is there a difference between “er” and “ar”? It’s to the point that I can’t accept any form of the word and I try really hard not to engage in using the word. I don’t know any, and am not related to any “n-word” folks. Words do have power when we give them life and frankly I am working hard to kick it out of my vocabulary. I did not grow up hearing it in my house nor do I recall hearing the word regularly in the music I listened to until about 1993 when Death Row hit the music scene. I don’t like hearing it used. It makes me cringe when I hear it randomly used in everyday speech but I hate the debate that’s comes along with usage of the word. I hate it almost as much as I hate the word and I think the more we debate the “n-word” the more we give life to it instead of letting it fade into the vernacular abyss. No one should use any form of the “n-word”. Period.

Watching the news (as much) - My doctor in 2008 told me to stop watching the news as much as I do because it was making me depressed.  I didn’t listen. I turned 30 that year and it was so much going on that my body was starting to be effected. I lost like 15 pounds because I didn’t have an appetite. I’ve been keeping up with current events my whole life so being somewhat plugged in on a variety of local and national events is normal for me. Discussions involving politics, human rights and injustices were typical in my upbringing and I frequently engage but lately I’ve been burned out by all the bad news in the media. Even the media involving the sensationalized celebrity has been disheartening. Maybe it’s just over saturation due to various media forms (i.e. periodicals, television and internet) but when the news you should know becomes mundane it’s time to fall back and make news of your own. In other words focus your energy on living your life.

Ignoring my pocketsPray for me! There are things in life I do that are bad for me, and I know it but I can’t help it. I’m impulsive when it comes to treating myself good and I guess it’s the “American in me.”  The “American in me” is a child that loves to go out which means my pockets are being ignored. Just like an American child she has no consideration of the things I had to do to make that money or whether or not I have the money at all. The “American in me” accepts every invitation to every event that requires a gift or some sort of related expense. If I’m not spending money on a gift, I could be spending money on food and drinks, transportation and/or any number of things. I’d love to pretend that I go to every housewarming, baby shower and  bridal shower I’m invited to but I don’t and truth be told, I can’t afford to keep up with all these invites people.  No longer will I ignore my pockets because the adult in me requires I save at least $100 per pay period.  When I’m dipping in my “stash cash” to attend an event I committed myself to, I don’t feel good about it. I like having money in the bank and I have to get it together for the last half of the year.  I’m putting the American brat on timeout.

Debating the ignorant - Are you ever in a social situation and someone says something so ignorant it stops you dead in your tracks? I’ve experienced this scenario far too many times on a variety of subjects but I’ve decided to ignore the ignorant and leave them be. The saying “Ignorance is bliss” is true and frankly who am I to wake them up?  If you’re asleep then that’s how you shall stay. It’s difficult being around a bunch of sleep walkers but investing anymore time debating or informing the ignorant is a waste of time because there are no excuses. I have to believe they want to remain ignorant because the information is out there if they want it. The sad part of the matter is many of the ignorant have kids and they infest their kids with it. I’ll make time for the stupid people and not the ignorant people. Why, because in my humble opinion stupidity is a condition of a fool. Ignorance is lazy thinking.

Believing YOUR hype - Hopefully your parents were your biggest cheerleader in your life “besides the man in the mirror” and if that includes hyping your existence every hour of everyday do your thing. It’s easy to get swallowed in the herd so when you are different and/or did something awesome for you to stand out, patting yourself on the back and champion your accomplishment is warranted. This does not however mean I have to believe you or believe in you. Your hype is your hype. “What you eat don’t make me “isht””. In the end when everything is said and done, will the opinion of one or more person change you or how you feel about yourself? I think not, so with that, we should all agree that hype is about you and you alone. I might support your accomplishments but I don’t have to believe in the propaganda. This goes for person and persons (i.e. corporations). Stay woke.

Ignoring my health - Healthcare is a luxury that I don’t take for granted. I swear I gladly pay copayments. It would be dumb of me to not go to the doctor if I didn’t feel well. This is something I had to recondition myself into because when you are in “health coverage limbo”, one hospital run in America could bankrupt your savings. This is a fact. Aside from regular visits to the medical doctor and physical therapy sessions, I’m also trying to be more conscious about the things I put into my body. The food you eat and the company you keep all has an effect on your overall health. This is also a fact. I’m a sugar addict and I love desserts. Getting off of sugar is the hardest thing for me because it’s in everything and when you don’t have it you might just take someone’s head off. If you don’t believe me ask someone with type II diabetes or someone who followed the Atkins Diet™. I never was the type to eat anything and I’m a person who likes what they like, some would define me as picky but whatever…I look at my carefully food and eat slowly. I bought a blender that I use daily to make fresh fruit smoothies. It’s not a major step but it’s a step. That’s how I’m approaching this part of my life. I’m making better choices taking it one step at a time.


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